I speak to small and large groups through a variety of organizations, including universities, industry associations, professional groups, and businesses. 

Through my presentations and workshops, I provide insights and tips on stress mastery, time management, finding focus, authentic leadership, personal effectiveness, productivity, and engaging in meaningful work.

Past Presentations/Workshops include:

Minnesota State Bar Association, The New Lawyer Experience – Maintaining the  Work-Life Balance: How Busy Lawyers Stay Sane (Panelist) – January 15, 2010.

William Mitchell College of Law, Perspectives on the Legal Profession – The Practice of Being: Mastering Stress and Finding True Meaning in the Legal Profession – March 17, 2010 (Sponsored by Counseling Services); April 10, 2010 (Sponsored by Student Bar Association); October 30, 2010 (Sponsored by Minnesota Justice Foundation).

Board Certified Civil Trial Law Specialists, 6th Annual Member Rewards Seminar – Inner Path to Stress Mastery – June 22, 2010.

National Bar Related Insurance Companies (NABRICO) Annual Conference – The Practice of Being, September 15, 2010.

Minnesota CLE – Live Webast – The Practice of Being: Mastering Stress & Finding Meaning as a Lawyer – March 9, 2011.

William Mitchell College of Law, Perspectives on the Legal Profession – Befriending Time: Breaking Free from Busyness or Stuckness – March 28, 2011 (Sponsored by Counseling Services).

Minnesota Legal Services Coalition, CLE Webinar – The Engaged Lawyer: Paying Attention & Thriving in the Midst of Chaos and Uncertainty – October 12, 2011.

Minnesota CLE – Live Webcast – The Principles of Recovery and the Practice of Law – October 28, 2011.

University of St. Thomas – School of Law, CLE – Mastering Stress and Avoiding Burnout – February 13, 2012.

Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, CLE – Embracing Change: Overcoming Resistance and Getting Unstuck, March 28, 2012.

Hennepin County Bar Association, CLE – This Time It’s About Us: Risk Management for Lawyers, April 25, 2012.

Hennepin County Bar Association, CLE – Opening Up to Difficulties & Disappointments: How to Get Unstuck and Recover from Setback, June 12, 2012.

William Mitchell College of Law, WMCL Alumni Series CLE – Failures, Screw-Ups & Unknowns (and Why They Can Be Good For You), December 14, 2012

Minnesota CLE – Live Webcast – Focus and Flow: Accomplishing More by Decluttering and Single-Tasking – May 30, 2013

Mediation Center – The Mindful Mediator: How to Stay Neutral in Conflict Resolution – June 25, 2014

Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, CLE – 5 Business Mistakes that Solos and Small Law Firms Make (and the Ethical Solutions They’re Afraid to Try) – March 11, 2015

Business Law Institute, Minnesota CLE – From Procrastination to Action: How to Stop Using Busyness as a Proxy for True Productivity – May 2, 2017

Minnesota CLE – Live Webcast – Deadlines & Daily Habits: The Essence of Diligence – December 20, 2016; March 24, 2021

Minnesota CLE, A Solo/Small Firm Paralegal’s Guide to Success – Focus & Flow: Dealing With Overwhelm, Distractions & Interruptions in Your Busy Law Office  – September 21, 2018

Minnesota CLE – Live Webcast – Keeping the Fire In Your Belly: Why You Need to Take Time Off to Avoid Attorney Burnout and Ethics Traps (and How to Do It Well) – December 20, 2018

Minnesota CLE – 2019 Workers Compensation Institute – Keeping the Fire in Your Belly: Why You Need to Take Time Off to Avoid Attorney Burnout and Ethics Traps (and How to Do It Well), Breakout Session – April 24, 2019

Minnesota CLE – 2019 Upper Midwest Employment Law Institute – Keeping the Fire in Your Belly: Why You Need to Take Time Off to Avoid Attorney Burnout and Ethics Traps (and How to Do It Well), Breakout Session – May 21, 2019

Minnesota CLE – Live Webcast – Finding Your Rhythm: When to Do What – December 18, 2019; July 2, 2020

Minnesota CLE – 2021 Family Law Institute – The Busyness Trap: How to Reduce Overload and Create Space for Things That Matter, Breakout Session, March 16, 2021

American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) – The Art of Time Management, Breakout Session, June 21, 2023