— Audience member [Focus & Flow – Accomplishing More by Decluttering & Single-Tasking, Minnesota CLE Webcast, May 30, 2013]:

This is truly one of, if not the, very best CLE I have ever taken. This topic is so crucial – attorneys (perhaps especially litigators) are likely the most impacted group of workers by increasing technology and “connectedness” and the associated over-work, requests to multi-task, and it being difficult to “un-plug” for blocks of pre-scheduled time…

I think all attorneys, and especially all supervising attorneys everywhere, should be literally forced to take this specific webinar, and to digest thoroughly all its content as well as that of all of the associated materials …provided!!

– Carol Berg, Director of Continuing Legal Education, Hennepin County Bar Association [This Time It’s About Us, HCBA CLE, April 25, 2012]:

Thank you for all that you did to make our extended CLE program, “This Time It’s About Us: Risk Management for Lawyers” a great success. The written program evaluations were excellent and we heard many good comments from the audience…I look forward to working with you in the future.

– Diane Markel, Case Manager, Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers  [Embracing Change, CLE for LCL Members & Volunteers, March 28, 2012]:

Thank you for your presentation. You demonstrated, truly, that you live what you teach! You smoothly shared your thoughts, even though the LCL laptop “died” and we missed seeing your “perfect” slides you prepared for us. To paraphrase a slogan, you walk your talk. The experiential exercises through which you led us were helpful to me; I appreciated your calmness!

Katie Bement & the Minnesota Legal Services Coalition (MLSC) Office Staff [The Engaged Lawyer: Paying Attention & Thriving in the Midst of Chaos and Uncertainty, Webinar CLE for Minnesota Legal Services Coalition, October 12, 2011] :

Thank you so much for presenting your webinar “The Engaged Lawyer” at our MLSC State Conference. The attendees gave wonderful reviews of your presentation and they, as well as their clients, will surely benefit from you sharing your knowledge with them. Thank you for your flexibility in helping me put the webinar together – it was a pleasure to work with you and we hope to have you back for future presentations!

– Jessica, Certified Legal Specialist Manager, Minnesota State Bar Association [The Practice of Being, CLE for Board Certified Civil Trial Law Specialists, 6th Annual Member Rewards Seminar, June 22, 2010]:

Thank you for coming to speak to the Certified [Trial] Specialists. Your take on mastering stress was very thought provoking. I was so impressed that everyone took the time to meditate with you! Thank you for a stellar presentation.


Paula Eder, Ph.D. – The Time Finder Expert, New Hampshire:

…finding time to accept and learn from failure is a fundamental, and perhaps paradoxical, building block for your success.

This point is wonderfully articulated in a piece by Dyan Williams that I recently read on lifehacker.  It’s titled “Change Your Definition of Failure: It’s How You Get Better” and it offers some excellent Do’s and Don’ts for dealing with this very human experience.


Sue, Director, Administration & Operations, Minneapolis, MN:

I contacted Dyan because I wanted someone, other than family or friends, to help me think through whether or not I was going to retire from my busy and demanding job.  My husband is retired and I felt pressure to do the same thing.  I was overwhelmed, anxious, and frustrated.

At our first session, I naively asked Dyan to help me “make a life plan for the next 20 years.”  We have shared a few laughs about that statement now.

Working with Dyan has helped me discover that my worries and focus on retirement were just surface issues.  Her coaching consistently provides fresh opportunities to discern the true nature of my life situation and to become clearly aware of where I am, where I really want to go and, most importantly, what I need to do to get there.

In a relatively short time, I have gone from doing the things that I thought I needed to do, in a very hurried and disconnected way, to being the person that I always knew I was and wanted to be, but just didn’t think I could or should be. With Dyan’s coaching, I’ve made tremendous progress on this continuing journey.

Dyan is a gifted coach who holds you accountable to try new things and yet totally understands when you struggle with old habits.   I most enjoyed our discovery that I need a little “loosening.” She notes (and now I agree) that most of us are either a bit too tight (e.g. excessively productive, overly organized) or a bit too loose (e.g. idle, scattered).  As simple as that sounds, it had a significant impact on my self-awareness.

I highly recommend Dyan’s coaching services to anyone who wants to create more value, joy and peace of mind in their busy lives. The difference she makes is above and beyond what you would get from reading self-help books or seeing a therapist. She gives you tools to not only process your thoughts and feelings, but also to take action that will lead to a more fulfilling life. I am very thankful to have found her.

Amy, Training Coordinator, Minneapolis, MN:

Dyan’s genuine demeanor creates a psychologically safe environment – it enabled me to open up to the process of self-reflection completely! Using honest, thorough inquiry, she is a considerate yet rigorous coach.

Like a good detective, she patiently guided me to dig deep, bringing my values to the surface, encouraging me to take a closer look at my own taken-for-granted assumptions. Dyan is a truly gifted coach and naturally inspires hope in others, and I sincerely thank her.

– Attorney, New York City, NY:

During our lives, we spend more time with ourselves than anyone else. To have a peaceful life, we need to learn how to be our own best friend. Dyan has helped me become a better friend to myself.

She has helped me find ways to take control of my own thoughts and emotions that were at times hurtful. She gave me particular steps to follow to handle overwhelming feelings and emotions. She did not simply talk me through abstract ideas. She particularly gave me techniques and tools to question limiting thoughts and beliefs as well as take charge of them. Instead of suppressing feelings, I learned to embrace my fears and anxieties and feel empowered through Dyan’s coaching.

Malobi, Attorney/Account Manager, Minneapolis, MN:

Never in a million years did I think I would consult a life coach…well, until I met Dyan Williams. Dyan is such a fantastic coach. Her sessions are uplifting to say the least – I typically leave each session feeling lighter and with a better understanding of why, for example, certain patterns persist in my life.

I truly believe Dyan’s attentiveness and great listening skills make her riveting in this line of work and cannot imagine getting so much back in a short period of time from anyone or anywhere else. I will definitely recommend her to anybody and everyone looking to live the best life they can.

– Legal Analyst/Attorney, Chicago, IL:

Dyan is a very gifted and insightful life coach. She taught me the power of now, which I am attempting to fully incorporate into my life. Because of her coaching, I am able to look at myself and those around me with a new perspective and to live more fully and freely.

She is brilliant and compassionate. She emboldened me through motivational discussions and personal example. She is truly a remarkable coach. I would recommend Dyan to anyone who is ready to embark on an exciting journey of attaining self-fulfillment.

– Angela, Human Resources Manager/Expatriate, Woodbury, MN:

Dyan is a good listener and keeps an open mind while she coaches. But what really stands her apart from others is her insightfulness. Dyan has a knack for getting to the heart of an issue because she asks good questions.

With her help, I made a fundamental internal shift in terms of how I was viewing the obstacles in my life. Her coaching truly fit my needs at the time I needed it, and I felt more empowered after talking to her.

– Tim, Attorney, Minneapolis, MN:

I was unsure what to expect from life coaching before meeting with Dyan. I have found the sessions extremely valuable.

Dyan impressed me in the way she identifies behavioral patterns that represent obstacles to living a fulfilling life. She provided me with concrete tools to help address those patterns. Her coaching helped me to become more effective in my job and more content in my home life.

– Entrepreneur/Business Owner, Minneapolis, MN:

I sought Dyan for coaching because I was stressed out and overwhelmed with a variety of problems in my life, from needing to declare bankruptcy to managing the set-up of a new business.

Through my sessions with Dyan, I learned practical ways to deal gracefully with events that I could not control and to appreciate the gifts and talents I do have. Her coaching helped me realize that the rough patch in my life was temporary and that I had the wisdom and strength to open up to each moment with curiosity.

Cindy, Attorney, Minneapolis, MN:

Dyan is an excellent coach and savvy career consultant. She helped me kickstart my quest for my ideal position and transition out of one that was wearing me down.  She is insightful and always offers clear and concise guidance. I highly recommend her!